This page contains images taken by BAS photographers and other contributors.

Frank Williams
Pelican nebula (IC5070 and IC5067)
Elephant trunk nebula
M31 Andromeda Galaxy
M101 Pinwheel galaxy
NGC 891/Caldwell 23 in Andromeda
NGC 6334 and NGC 6302
Soul nebula in Cassiopeia
Veil nebula in Cygnus
NGC 6992 (Eastern) veil nebula
NGC 6960 (Western) veil nebula
M31 Andromeda Galaxy
M16 Eagle nebula
M8 Lagoon nebula and M20 Trifid nebula aligned
M20 Trifid nebula
M51 Whirlpool galaxy
NGC 7923 Nelix nebula
NGC 7000 North American nebula
Horsehead nebula and NGC 2024 Flame nebula
Comet C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) - April 16/2020
Messier gallery - May 28/2020
Caldwell 31: Flaming Star Nebula
Caldwell 103: Tarantula Nebula
Messiers M81 and M82 in Ursa Major
Caldwell 13: Owl Cluster
Caldwell 25
Caldwell 77: Centaurus A
Markarian's chain (Virgo cluster)
Caldwell 45
Caldwell 37: Open cluster
Caldwell 3/NGC 4236
M52 and Bubble nebula (with V1405 Cas)
Caldwell 40/NGC 3626
Caldwell 36/NGC 4559
Caldwell 29/NGC 5005
Caldwell 21/NGC 4449
Caldwell 5/IC 342
Caldwell 8/NGC 559
NGC 1499 California nebula
M33 Triangulum galaxy
M42 Orion nebula
SH2-101 Tulip nebula in Cygnus
NGC 3718 and 3729
M101 Pinwheel galaxy
M82 Cigary galaxy
M63 Sunflower galaxy
M52 Cluster and Bubble nebula
Allenford July aurora
M31 Andromeda galaxy
M27 Dumbell nebula
M13 Herculus cluster
M8 and M20 Nebulae
Caldwell 100
Caldwell 10
Caldwell 8/NGC 559
NGC 188
IC 1805 Heart nebula
Barnard 59 Pipe nebula
Barnard 84 Claw nebula
Bardnard's E nebula
Caldwell 18/NGC 185
NGC 253 Sculptor galaxy
NGC 7000 NA nebula and IC 5070 Pelican nebula
Wizard nebula
Wizard nebula
Caldwell 7/NGC 300
NGC 6888 cresent nebula and bubble nebula - wideband
NGC 6888 cresent nebula and bubble nebula - narrowband
Caldwell 101
Caldwell 101 Annotated
M101 HA filter - version 2
M101 HA filter - Super Nova, Annontated
M101 - HA verison 2 - Annotated
Caldwell 35 - Cropped
Caldwell 35
Caldwell 35 - Annotated
Caldwell 35 - Wide field
Caldwell 35 - Wide field - Annotated
Caldwell Progress - 12 June 2023
M104 Sombrero
M17 (swan/omega nebula) and M18 - starfest week - Hubble Pallet SHO
M17 (swan/omega nebula) and M18 - starfest week - Colour SHO
M17 (swanomega nebula) and M18 - starfest week - Annotated
NGC 7293 The Helix Nebula
IC1795 the Fish Head Nebula - RGB Pallet
IC1795 the Fish Head Nebula - Hubble Pallet SHO
Comet Nakumura
Saturn - September 5th
Jupiter with Io on the edge - September 5th
Rainbow of Allenford Observatory
Eagle Nebula
M33 The Triangulum Galaxy
Squid Nebula
SH2-188 shrimp, or dolphin, nebula in Cassiopeia
Omega Centuri
M95 and M96
Calwell Catalog progress - Jan 2024
Caldwell 83
Caldwell 45 (NGC 2506)
Comet 12P Pons/Brooks
July 12, 2024 - Allenford - Televue 85 with 0.8 Focal Reducer - ASI 585 one shot colour uncool
Allenford - Lunt 80 mm single stack 1.8x powermate
July 2024 - Allenford - Astro-physics 130mm GTX - LRGBHSO
July 2024 - Allenford - Astro-physics 130mm GTX - HSO
Aug 12 - Allenford - Cannon 6D rokinon 14mm f2.8
Aug - Allenford - AP130 - SBIG 11000 Mono
Keith Mombourquette
IC 1396
Southampton aurora
Bode's cigar galaxy
Fireworks galaxy
IC 1805 Heart nebula
IC 5146 Cocoon nebula
NGC 7028 Iris nebula
M8 Lagoon nebula
M31 Andromeda galaxy
M57 Ring nebula
M42 Orion nebula
M51a Whirlpool galaxy
C/2022 E3 (ZTF)
M45 Pleiades
NGC 7635 Bubble nebula
Pacman nebula
Pelican nebula
SH2-157 Lobster claw nebula
NGC 1499 California nebula
IC 1443 Jellyfish nebula
IC 410 Tadpole nebula
M42 Orion nebula
NGC 2264 Christmas tree cluster and cone nebula
NGC 2359 Thor's helmet
M16 Eagle Nebula - L-Enhance filter
M16 Eagle Nebula - HOO pallet
M104 - Sombrero
Comet 12P Pons/Brooke
June 30, July 01, July 03 2024 - Southampton
07-12- Southampton - Camera ZWO ASI2600MC Pro
2024-07-07, 11, 12, 13 - Southampton - Camera ZWO ASI2600MM Pro
24-07-18 - Southampton - Askar 107PHQ - ASI2600MC Pro
24-07-28 - Southampton - Celestron Edge HD8 - ASI2600MM Pro
24-07-27 - Southampton - Askar 107PHQ - ASI2600MM Pro
Southampton - Celestron Edge HD8- ASI2600MC Pro
24-08-15 - Southampton - Celestron Edge HD8- ASI2600MC Pro
Collaboration with Mike
Aug 20 - Southampton
Aug 20 - Southampton
2024-08-20, 22, 25 - Southampton - Celestron Edge HD8 - ASI2600MM
2024-08-20, 21, 22, 25 - Southampton - Askar 107PHQ - ASI2600MM
Mike Tettenborn
M27 Dumbbell nebula
M31 Andromeda galaxy
M51 Whirlpool galaxy
Leo triplet
NGC 287 Pacman nebula
NGC 7380 Wizard nebula
NGC 7380 Wizard nebula
Leo triplet
Crescent nebula
NGC 896
July 14 - East Luton - Askar 107PHQ
Aug 7-10 - Kemble and Starfest - Askar 107PHQ - ASI2600MM
July 13 - East Luton - Askar 107PHQ
24-08-20 & 21 - Kemble - Askar 107PHQ - ASI2600MM
June and July - Kemble - Askar 107PHQ - ASI2600MM
24-08-25 - Kemble - Askar 107PHQ - ASI2600MM
Marian Ratcliffe
Crescent moon and Mercury - May 13/2021
Nov. 8/2022 Full lunar eclipse
Nov. 8/2022 partial lunar eclipse
Irwin Seidman
M42 Orion Nebula
Bode's Galaxy (M81) and Cigar Galaxy (M82)
Maple buds silhouetted against the (May) flower moon
Comet NEOWISE (C/2020 F3)
NGC 2237: Rosette Nebula
Blue Halloween moon
Deneb and North American nebula
Heart nebula
M44 Beehive cluster
Ruchbach and star clusters and Cassiopeia
Scutum star cloud
Strawberry moon
M101 Pinwheel galaxy
M31 Andromeda galaxy
M45 Pleiades
August 12 2023 DOTM at the Fox
M81 and M82
M81 and M82 Annotated
NGC7023 - Iris Nebula
M8/M20 (Lagoon & Triffid nebulas)
184 - July 1, 2024 and July 13, 2024 - FOX
Adam Hofmann
Frank's Observatory
Frank's Observatory
IC1805 Heart Nebula
Soul Nebula - IC 1848
Soul Nebula - IC 1848
Julian Delf
Moon - Apr. 1/2020
M45 The Pleiades and Venus - Apr. 1/2020
Aurora - Nov. 3/2021
Moon & Mercury - Nov. 3/2021
Manuel Guerrero
M31 Andromeda galaxy
NGC 6888 Crescent nebula
M42 Trapezium cluster
Sadr region in Cygnus
Aaron Top
Double cluster and heart and soul nebulas
Charlie Szabototh
Marty Anderson
June 30, 2024 and July 12, 2024 - FOX
April - Lake Jovita, FLA - William Optics Redcat71 Petzval APO - ASI2600MM
Doug Cunningham
M45 Pleiades
M42 Orion nebula
Paul Zelichowski
M42 Orion nebula and NGC 1977 Running Man nebula
Elephant trunk nebula
NGC 3372 Eta Carinae nebula
NGC 6992 (Eastern) veil nebula
Stuart Hegge
Rosette nebula
Horsehead nebula
Troy Johnstone